District Governor Nominee

Tim Mee
Mobile: +61 418 814 856
Email: dg26-27@rotary9510.org
Tim and Jill (Partner) moved to South Australia from Tasmania in 1986, their son Simon lives in Sydney and daughter Clare in Adelaide, with two grandchildren Sid and Ross.
Tim has a passion for Rotary Service, all types of Sport, and helping small businesses grow. His father and father-in-law were rotary members. His twin brother also an active rotarian in Victoria.
Tim joined the Rotary Club of Morialta in 2003, has served in several positions within the club including Club President Elect 2014-15, Club President 2015-16, Club Secretary for 7 years to 2023. At a district level, Tim is currently serving as the District International Services Chair (DISC) 2022-25, is the Project Leader of the New Dawn – Rotary – Ukraine Crisis project. A multi club district project providing humanitarian aid in the southern villages of Ukraine. Tim has managed a number of local and international projects including project chair of the PNG Midwifery Leadership Program from 2018 to 2023. Rotary projects with Global Grants, a Disaster Response Grant and District Grants. Tim has also coordinated an international Group Friendship Exchange and is a Rotary Specialist in the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot.
At the age of 12, Tim’s family moved from the UK to Tasmania. Tim completed his secondary education at Prospect High School in Launceston, a House Captain and member of the Prefect Board in his final year. In 1982 Tim completed a Diploma – Business Studies (Accounting) at the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education. During his working career Tim was a member of the Institute of Public Accountants and the Australasian Society of Association Executives.
Tim started work in a shipping office in Launceston, moved into accounting, shipping operations and then industrial relations and management. Following a move to South Australia has held senior positions in the shipping industry and ports/waterfront reforms, then a move to the SA Employers Chamber of Commerce & Industry, managing Industry Associations and groups of small businesses. Finishing his career as director of Bizgroup Consulting Pty Ltd a business consultancy specialising in small business groups.