Membership Resources

Membership growth is the engine that powers the vehicle of Rotary. Growth of our members is important because new ideas and new interests reinvigorate the club – bringing with it new energy and future leaders. 
The asset of each Rotary Club is its members, and who is responsible for Membership Growth?  The answer to this question “Every Rotarian”. 
The Future of Rotary is in our hands…..and we all have the power to make our clubs and our district even better. Membership growth shouldn't be a solo task, nor is it the role of only the Membership Chair, it's everyone's responsibility. 
Here are some things you can do to learn more or to help guide you in growing membership in your club.
  • Check out the resources on this page which are available for download (based on common requests)
  • Explore courses in the Rotary ‘My Learning Centre’ – you will need to log into my Rotary (and if you’re having trouble logging in then please reach out to Robin LeGallez for help)
  • Join the private Facebook group called Rotary District 9510 - Membership Discussion  
And if you don't see what you need, or know where to find it – then please reach out to the district for further support and guidance.
Dannielle Camporeale
District 9510 Membership